Juli 2016 | Dwi Panca Agustini

Minggu, 03 Juli 2016

Tugas Ke 3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Diposting oleh Dwi Panca Agustini di 21.32 0 komentar


As soon as I saw someone Base jumping off a swiss mountain, I knew I wanted to do it. This guy just jumped off a cliff and fell for a few seconds before opening his parachute and floating down to land in the valley. It looked amazing.
Base jumping’s great because you don’t have to go up in a plane. The word Base come from building, Antenna, Span (the middle part of bridge), Earth (mountain of cliff) – the four kinds of places that Base jumpers jump from, I’ve jumped from all of these expectan antenna, so that’s my next objective.
The most important thing in Base jumping is to stay calm when you’re falling. You have to make very fast and accurate moves and the smallest mistake will kill you. Most people think my hobby is terrifying, but I actually enjoy bening terrified.
Chuck Cslderon Tennessee, USA

My opinion
I chose base jumping for base jumping is one of the exciting sports adrenaline and we can enjoy the beauty when jumping from the top with a parachute. also base jumping we can enjoy jumping from heights that make us feel flying in the air.

Tugas Ke 2 Bahas Inggris Bisnis 2

Diposting oleh Dwi Panca Agustini di 20.50 0 komentar

Global Warming and the solutions
Global Warming became the most hot issue in entire the world. The effect of Global Warming is very dangerous for the environment. But, there are still a lot of people who think about the global warming as just the issue and it is never make an effect to our Earth in the future. Though, there are a lot of signs from the nature that arise as the bad effect of Global warming.
The increasing sea levels has been occured in many areas in this world.  This increase happened because of the melting of the ice in the north polar. It cause of the world too hot, and make the ice in the north polar become melting. Beside of that, we can see a lot of hurricanes, thunders, and tornado in the world with easily. Global Warming make the farms get the failure and it make reduce the foods supplies.
The cause of global warming
Generally, there are a lot of reasons that can make global warming. The use of excessive fossil fuels too much because of the vehicles are increasing is the main reason. Besides that, livestock and agriculture also have contribution such as using excessive methane gas as the fertilizers. The chemicals in fertilizers can not only damage the air lining, but also the waters, soils, and production of the food.  Besides that, the reasons why global warming happen is because the factor of deforestation (land clearing) in big scale to make the public facilities, such as road, school, hospital, and another buildings.
The solutions to minimize global warming
To reduce the effect of global warming which happened, you can try to do these tips:
·      First, choose the energy saving lamps as the lighting in your house.
·      Second, do not forget to turn off the lamps when not in use again.
·      Third, when shopping, you should bring your own bag which is made from the cloth.
·      Fourth, to have friendly environment, you can use bicycle which will good for your healthy too. In addition,  you must keep the condition of tap in your house in good condition.  From a lot of researches, broken taps can make the a lot of litter waters wasted in vain. Though, amount of the waters in the Earth is not much anymore. The last, always try to fill your courtyard with the trees. Tree can release oxygens which can make the air become fresh.
Paragraf pertama…
Noun : Global, The world, The Environment, People, The Issue, Earth, The Nature, The Bad
Verb : Warming, Think
Adjective : Became the most hot issue in entire, a lot of signs
Adverb : Very Dangerous
Pronoun : Who, That

Paragraf Kedua
Noun : World, The Melting, The Ice In The North Polar, Global, The Failure
Verb : The Increasing, The Increase Happened, See, Warming
Adjective :
Adverb : easily

Dwi Panca Agustini

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